Fox Valley Adult Transitional Center

Fox Valley Adult Transitional Center
Location: Aurora, IL
Security Level: Minimum Transitional Security (Female)
History: Opened in April 1972, Fox Valley is the only female transitional facility. Fox Valley Adult Transitional Center (ATC) was formerly known as the Kane County Springbrook Tuberculosis Sanitarium, but was then converted to the Fox Valley Correctional Center and housed male individuals in custody. In August 2000, the center was converted to a female facility joining the Women and Family Services Division.
Mailing/Contact Information:
Individual In Custody mailing address: 1329 North Lake Street, Aurora, IL 60506
Telephone: (630) 897-5610
Fax: (630) 897-1386
Population and program participation information sourced from July 1, 2024 IDOC Quarterly Report
Fox Valley Population: 117
Rated Capacity: 123
Percent of Capacity: 95.1%
Educational & Vocational Participants:
Courses offered with participants: ABE, GED, and college courses are available in the community
State Representatives: Current as of July 2024
Karina Villa (D)- IL Senate District 25
Springfield Office: 401 S Spring St., Stratton Office Building, Section F, Room M, Springfield, IL 62706, (217) 782-0471
District Office: 946 N. Neltnor Blvd., Suite 104, West Chicago, IL 60185, (630) 326-9319
Additional District Addresses: 1177 North Highland Avenue, Suite 101, Aurora. IL, (331) 465-9690
Barbara Hernandez- (D) – IL House District 50
Springfield Office: 519-C Stratton Office Building, Springfield, IL 62706, (217) 558-1002
District Office: 1 E. Benton Street, Suite 101, Aurora, IL 60505, (630) 270-1848